Local Services
Kingsclere has many local services provided by businesses and community groups as well as the Parish Council. This page provides key information about how you can access these services.
Kingsclere Allotments
Allotments are provided for Kingsclere residents by the Parish Council. They are run by the Allotment Management Group in conjunction with the council and are rented out to tenants on an annual basis. If you're interested in taking on an allotment you can email the Parish Clerk at [email protected], to be added to the waiting list.
Kingsclere Community Larder
The Kingsclere Community Larder opens as a pop-up shop from 2:30pm to 5:30pm each Thursday in the Kingsmill Room, St Mary's Church. It is available for anyone who is struggling to provide food or essentials for themselves or their family, in a no judgement and welcoming environment with no referral needed. People pay £3 for a bag of basic groceries plus fresh food, choosing what they need even if it’s only a couple of things. More information on the Kingsclere Community Larder Facebook page.
Kingsclere Village Club
Situated on George Street in the heart of the village the Village Club is run entirely by volunteers. It is managed by a Board of Trustees who are responsible for decision making and day to day running of the building. The Board is appointed at the AGM which members of the public are encouraged to attend as this is local community's opportunity to hold the Board accountable for its actions.
The Village Club:
- Offers rooms of various sizes for private hire.
- Hosts numerous classes, local clubs and associations.
- Runs regular high quality, low cost events.
- Rents out its marquee, tables and chairs to external events.
- Provides space for community services such as the Police Office,
Parish Council Office and The Library.
More information on the Village Club can be found on the Village Club website.
The Fieldgate Centre
Situated on Fieldgate Drive at the North of village, the Fieldgate Centre acts as the villages community centre and is run entirely by volunteers. It is managed by a Board of Trustees (the Kingsclere Community Association KCA) who are responsible for decision making and day to day running of the building. The Board is appointed at the AGM which members of the public are encouraged to attend as this is local community's opportunity to hold the Board accountable for its actions.
An Entertainments Committee ensures that the Centre holds high quality social and community events for village community on a regular basis. E-Mail: [email protected]
The Fieldgate Centre:
- Offers rooms of various sizes for private hire including a sports hall.
- Stage with sound and lighting.
- Hosts numerous classes, local clubs and associations.
- Runs regular high quality, low cost events.
- Has a licensed fully stocked bar.
- Full kitchen for users.
- All weathers sports pitch.
- Provide changing rooms and access to the football, rugby and cricket pitches via Basingstoke and Deane Council.
More information can be found on the the Fieldgate Centre Website.
or search for the Fieldgate Centre on Facebook.
The Centre can also be contacted on 01635 298497.
If you would like a service you're responsible for to be listed here email [email protected]
Below is a map showing locations of key community services.
Kingsclere Services
- Kingsclere Allotments
- Kingsclere Library
- Kingsclere Medical Practice
- Kingsclere Methodist Church
- Kingsclere Pharmacy
- Kingsclere Post Office
- Kingsclere Village Club
- St Mary's Church
- The Fieldgate Centre